A New Volume of ‘Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum’

Varia Manichaica, the third vol­ume of the Analec­ta Manichaica — a sub-series of the Cor­pus Fontium Manichae­o­rum — is final­ly pub­lished. This vol­ume brings togeth­er the works of some of the best known and most estab­lished schol­ars in Gnos­tic and Manichaean stud­ies, Ira­nol­o­gists and art his­to­ri­ans. It con­tains two impor­tant and indis­pens­able cat­a­logues of Tur­fan texts and also stud­ies cov­er­ing top­ics such as cos­mogony, hym­nol­o­gy and man­u­script illu­mi­na­tion. A num­ber of Tur­fan texts in Sog­di­an and Uygur are pub­lished here for the first time.

Edi­tors: Samuel N.C. Lieu and Enri­co Mora­no

Pub­lish­er: Bre­pols



Edi­tors and con­trib­u­tors

Ser­gio Bas­so, Manichaean frag­ments relat­ed to the ‘Bar­laam and Ioas­aph saga’

Adam Benka­to, A Frag­ment of an Iran­ian Manichaean ‘Oral Tra­di­tion’

Fer­nan­do Berme­jo-Rubio, Mani as a par­a­digm of the Manichaean Church in the Cologne Mani Codex

Şehnaz Biçer and Betül ÖZBAY, The Lotus illus­tra­tion in a Manichaean man­u­script

Iris Colditz, Strate­gies for suc­cess. Manichaeism under the ear­ly Sasa­ni­ans

Desmond Durkin-Meis­ter­ernst, An update of Boyce’s Cat­a­logue of Manichaean Mid­dle Per­sian and Parthi­an

Eduard Iricin­schi, How Do Wis­dom, Law, and Rev­e­la­tion a Reli­gion Make? Appro­pri­a­tion and Dis­place­ment in the ‘Chap­ters of the Wis­dom of My Lord Mani’

Samuel N.C. Lieu, A cat­a­logue of the Uygur Manichaean texts

Enri­co Mora­no, Uygur in the Manichaean Sog­di­an texts in Manichaean script from the Berlin Tur­fan Col­lec­tion

Nicholas Sims-Williams, The “sev­en adver­si­ties” in a Manichaean Sog­di­an hymn

Michel Tardieu, La métaphore de l’auberge

Peter Zieme, “Worte für die Seele”. Altu­ig­urische manichäis­che Frag­mente with an appen­dix by Yuta­ka Yoshi­da

Alireza Arabani

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