A. Belitskaya, E. Popov, V. Silaev, V. Filippov, A. Khazov, 2024, “Helmet of the Migration Period from the Yuvanayag Mound Cemetery,” Rossijskaâ Arheologiâ (Russian Archaeology), No. 1, pp. 186–202.

The arti­cle intro­duces first results of the research on an iron hel­met found in 2022 at the Yuvanayag mound ceme­tery in the Vycheg­da Riv­er region, the Komi Repub­lic. The mound ceme­tery belongs to the cir­cle of the Veslyan­sky I type ceme­tery, which was left by migrants with a devel­oped mil­i­tary cul­ture. Its dis­tinc­tive fea­ture was the tra­di­tion of build­ing mounds over graves. Those bur­ial mounds are a reflec­tion of the late Migra­tion Peri­od in the Euro­pean North-East (5th–7th cen­turies AD). The found hel­met of the Band­helm type (after Ch. Miks’s clas­si­fi­ca­tion) is a unique spec­i­men for the region, which also had no ana­logues in the adja­cent ter­ri­to­ries. Based on min­er­alog­i­cal and geo­chem­i­cal stud­ies, the hel­met is made of iron with micro-inclu­sions of native alu­minum and lig­nite car­bon mat­ter. The hel­met over­lays are made of brass with inclu­sions of lead-cop­per-zinc alloys and cop­per. Its elon­gat­ed shape and dec­o­ra­tion with hemi­spher­i­cal brass over­lays are close to the hel­mets of Sasan­ian Iran. Geo­graph­i­cal­ly, the clos­est anal­o­gy to the Yuvanayag find is the Band­helm from the preda­to­ry exca­va­tions near the vil­lage of Tsar­it­syno in Ryazan Region. Pre­lim­i­nary dat­ing of the arte­fact from the Yuvanayag bur­ial mound is the late 4th – 5th cen­tu­ry AD.


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Saeede Amirpoor Saeed

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