Fatemeh Jahanpour, 2024, Simple Vendidad (1025 Yazdgerdi Avesta), Known as Hosseini Vendidad, Faravahar Cultural Publishing Institute, Tehran.

The book Sim­ple Ven­di­dad (1025 Yazdger­di Aves­ta), Known as Hos­sei­ni Ven­di­dad, with the effort of Fate­meh Jahan­pour, was pub­lished in 2024 (1403 in the Iran­ian cal­en­dar) by the Far­ava­har Cul­tur­al Pub­lish­ing Insti­tute in Tehran. This 596-page work includes the Yas­nas, Yazesh­ni rit­u­als, Vis­per­ad, and the chap­ters (Far­gards) of the Ven­di­dad.

This pub­li­ca­tion is based on a valu­able man­u­script of the Zoroas­tri­an sacred text, known as Sim­ple Ven­di­dad, which is housed in the pri­vate library of the Hos­sei­ni fam­i­ly in Mash­had. The man­u­script was writ­ten in 1025 Yazdger­di (equiv­a­lent to the 17th cen­tu­ry CE) and con­tains the Yas­na, parts of the Vis­per­ad, all chap­ters of the Ven­di­dad, along with prayers and Nirangs (rit­u­al for­mu­las).

In the book’s pref­ace, Ms. Jahan­pour pro­vides a detailed descrip­tion of the man­u­scrip­t’s phys­i­cal fea­tures and cal­lig­ra­phy. Addi­tion­al­ly, she includes the scribe’s bio­graph­i­cal infor­ma­tion and lin­eage. With the pub­li­ca­tion of this book, researchers, enthu­si­asts of man­u­scripts, and his­to­ri­ans now have easy access to the con­tent of this valu­able Aves­ta man­u­script. This work marks a sig­nif­i­cant step toward pre­serv­ing and pro­mot­ing the cul­tur­al and reli­gious her­itage of ancient Iran.

Saeede Amirpoor Saeed

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